Artist's Biography - Bar Shacterman
"Bark", John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis CA
"Morrigan" at Leslie Ceramics Gallery, Berkley, CA
"Artifacts" at OakWilde Ranch 5th sculpture Show, Stockton CA
"Totems and Plates", Blueline Gallery, Roseville, CA
"30 Ceramic Sculptors", Davis, CA
"Ark" at Blue Moon, Gallery Sacramento, CA
Ceramics Annual Of America , San Francisco, CA
John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis CA (Solo Exhibition)
Feats of Clay xxiv, Lincoln CA
22 Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art (CCACA), CA
The Atrium ,Flow Patterns, San Francisco CA
OakWilde Ranch 4th sculpture Show, Stockton CA
Blue line Gallery, Totems & Plates , Roseville , CA
Valley Sculpture Artists show , CA
2110 gallery, Sacramento, CA
MACA, Multnomah Art Center, Portland OR
Ceramics Annual Of America , San Francisco CA
Valley Sculpture Artists show, Sacramento CA (best in show)
Witt Gallery, Sacramento CA (Honorable mention)
Blueline Gallery (33rd Open show), Roseville CA (Honorable mention)
John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis CA
21 Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art (CCACA)
OakWilde Ranch, Sculpture Show, Stockton CA
Highhand Gallery, Loomis CA
KOH Gallery, Sacramento CA (Solo Exhibition)
Witt Gallery, Sacramento CA - Body and Soul, Sacramento CA
Bluemoon Galery, Sacramento CA
John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis CA (30 Ceramic Artist Exhibition)
Northern California Arts Inc, Sacramento CA
Highhand Gallery, Loomis CA
John Natsoulas Gallery - Small Works, Miniatures and Marquettes , CA
Northern California Arts Inc., Sacramento CA (Honorable mention)
Highhand Gallery, Loomis CA
Blueline Gallery, Roseville CA
James Kaneko Gallery, Sacramento CA
Golan Liberman Contemporary Art Gallery, IL
Underground Studios, Rockford, IL
James Kaneko Gallery, Sacramento CA
Barton art gallery Sacramento CA
Blueline Gallery, Roseville CA
Preformances and Demos
"Sculpture with Fabricated and Extruded Elements to Live Music" : Fine Art and Jazz Festival, Davis CA
"Multimedia Work - Landscapes", Great California Paint Out, Davis CA
"Clayscape 2", Art in Nature / The Nature Of Art Oakland, CA
"Texture and Extrusions", Cal State East Bay in Hayward CA
"12ft Clay Wall", 22st Annual Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art, Davis CA
"Dynamic Clay", Samavesha fundraiser, Thenexus, Richmond CA
Preformances and Demos
"Extrution and Textures in Clay", 21st Annual Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art, Davis CA
"Dynamic Clay - Structures and TexturesÓ, ARC Demo Presentation: /li>
"Allness Emerge" , Krowswork Gallery Oakland, CA
"Live Scuplure - Homange to the Beat", Ceramics Annual Of America , San Francisco CA (opening night)
"Clayscape 1" , Art in Nature / The Nature Of Art, Oakland CA
"Ex-Pressing Clay - Use of Extrusion and Fabrication to create new forms", 20st Annual Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art, Davis CA
"Sculpturing Music" Fine Art and Jazz Festival, Davis CA